Obsess Much?

(Edited on 3/18/2016 to correct a statement in one of the pictures below. The individual adding the notes stated that one of my pages had been removed, but she is incorrect. It has been there since its date of posting. I’m still trying to make sense of the rest of her notes)

I have been accused of having an obsession or two on more then one occasion, and at times there is some specific truths to that accusation.

I obsess over facts, and truth. I obsess over people blatantly and ignorantly spreading misinformation. I obsess over my family, and their families.

I actually Obsess over Obsessing if that can be understood, and I am not the only one. Does anyone remember this post? “A pattern of harassment” His obsession was borderline dangerous in my opinion, but that is just a small sample of obsessive behaviors in beautiful Schiller Park Illinois.

We also have the obsession with spreading lies, or the obsession with using facts that have been twisted to fit the needs of the poster. It is hard to tell those people from the ones telling the truth, but I suspect that is the point. Like the Stop “Excessive” taxation Facebook page. We all know that page’s history of taking real situations and trying to spin them into something that is or will happen in Schiller Park while completely ignoring the actual reality of a situation. The use of inflammatory words simply designed to agitate those who don’t have access to the facts.

What about an obsession towards a person? An example being the obsession of a recently resigned School Board member with a single minded devotion to one family over all others in the school’s district?

How about the blind obsession of one person towards a larger group like in the following examples? The original poster seems to be “Obsessed” with finding things that don’t exist. At least this is what I think the intention was, but I am not completely sure.

If anyone can figure out what is going on in the following pictures please let me know.



Not correct the post you have referenced has never been removed. I have only ever removed one of my posts out of over 200, and that was not the one.





Those are examples of bad obsessions, or at least as far as I m concerned. I guess it all depends on your point of view doesn’t it, but does point of view change the facts? Does point of view alter the truth? The simple answer to that is no.

Facts, truth and reality are not in any way point of view dependent. They will remain the same no matter the side of the fence that you stand on.

I obsess every day about truth, facts, and reality. I strongly desire to spread truth, and share the facts in hopes that people will see reality. Does that make my obsession any more positive then the ones listed above? Now that questions answer is point of view dependent isn’t it.  I can think of more then a few people that would call my form of obsession “Evil”, “Destructive”, “all lies”, “Misinformation”, “Slander”, “Vile”, some even have said “criminal”. I believe this because I have accused them of the very same thing. But I present all of you with the last question. What do we, or should we all use to decide who is correct?

Truth, and facts are the only real way to decide what side of the fence you want to stand on. I know what I know because I researched it. I post what I post because I hope that anyone who reads these posts will have an open enough mind to see the possibilities, and do their own research to prove or disprove what I have to say. The sad fact of the mater is there will always be those who refuse to listen to “Truth”, and “Fact”. They will always choose the easy route, the path of least work. Or more sadly they will take the path of most personal gain. All the while the town of Schiller Park, Its families and children suffer, and for what.

Hello my name is James J Tompson, and I am OBSESSED with the truth, the facts, and the spreading of reality. Not the Destruction of Schiller Park.




This commentary is my opinion based off of the information I have found through my own research. Please take he time to verify everything on your own and come to your own conclusion. With an open mind and the ability to think rationally we can all make this town as great as we all know it can be.

pictures in this post shared with me by a concerned reader








Well Then

It appears that David Stachura and John Kowalski have thrown in the towel. At least that is what the Stop excessive bla bla bla crap page has told the community, and the page that posted it seems to have found something actually factual, well  mostly. Looks like the McCampbell, Stachura love fest is back in full.


Take a closer look at their reasoning.

The Board Majority has decided to go with an 11,000,000 renovation of Kennedy School. We can not in good conscience be a part of putting this financial burden on the taxpayers of District 81 once again

How do we even begin with that? There is so much to this letter that I am almost speechless.

Lets start with the agenda for the most recent regular meeting

Click to access PublicItemDownload.aspx

If you look at that agenda you will find item XII B 3. Approval to start construction.  What was his vote on that? YES. Did he have any comments or complaints during the public hearing portion? NO.

Don’t believe me? Check the Februrary 17th meeting video. The first meeting David attended since June, and by phone.


This is a disgrace to Military service and Oaths everywhere. When you don’t agree with something dont you fight to defend your beliefs, or do you cower in the corner and complain then resign in sillance?

You STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT not resign in shame.


1 Milliom Dollars


What would you do for 1 million dollars? That’s a very complicated question at least on a personal level.

1 million dollars is a lot of money. Not as much as it was when I was a kid, but still nothing to ignore, and even less to ignore when a School Construction project starts off under budget before ground has even been broken. The video for the most recent school board meeting is posted and there is a few things of note.

Lets put the 1 million dollars aside for right now, talk about something so crazy you just may not be able to believe me without seeing it for yourself.

DAVID C STACHURA WAS AT LAST A SCHOOL BOARD MEETING….. Yes you read that correctly. Even if he was not there in human form he was there in digital form. What I mean is that he called in from work. Just showing up in any form is in and of itself practically a miracle. I would like to add that he had no issue or complaint with anything, and voted yes on everything. Including the bid approval for the first phase of the Kennedy construction project.

Speaking of the Kennedy construction project and 1 million dollars (almost). The Board of Education voted at the last School Board meeting to approve the bid to start the project, and that bid came in at over 800,000.00 under budget. Yes the very first phase of the project is already more the  800,000 under budget. That is one hell of an acceptable start to any construction project.

Why doesn’t the STOP exaggeration of the taxes page ever talk about that though? Instead they make comments like this.


There it is again, the exaggeration of the cost of the expansion project simply to get people excited. I do also hope that the authors of that page are not so misinformed that they think a community can be land locked and not have resident growth. This is not a hard concept to understand by almost any standard, they must be using the “Janis” math to come to their conclusions.

The Februrary 17th Schiller Park School District 81 meeting video video can be found here




Get Your Heads Out Of Your @$$


Instead of being excited about the Kennedy expansion project because it is a good thing for the entire village of Schiller Park some people automatically assuming that taxes will be raised, and they comment to others based off of that alone. According to the financial lady with the MBA (Wendy) at the School District offices we will see a slight decrease in the SD81 part of our taxes. Why cant we be happy that an improvment is going to be made to the school that might raise the value of moving to Schiller Park, or possibly keep or attract more of the fantastic staff we already have. Modern Schools that provide a quality education help bring new families to town.

Many people scream and yell that the Mayor Piltaver isnt doing enough to grow Schiller Park, but with the needed improvements to grow a town that people say they want comes the cost of that development, but when the School District tries to do something to improve Schiller Park the minions come running screaming and yelling that its a disgrace to the tax payers and the sky is falling or what ever drama suits their needs, they can’t have it both ways. Its sad that the people like Roy F McCampbell, Korey Gibala-Krastev, Kathie Ewanio Janis, David Stachura, and a few others are so short sighted that they cant see through their own BS. This is a great thing for the entire town, not just the students or as Janis has said “the egos of the School Board and Administration”. If they stopped the hatred in their hearts for just one moment and opened their eyes they might see for themselves what is really happening and how good it really is for everyone.


I Feel like Everyone’s Favorite Person is Wasting his Time

The STOP excessive taxation Bla bla bla page has struck again,  and incorrectly as usual.


Last nights School Board meeting did not approve the issuance of the bonds, it was a public hearing about the bonds. There was actually a vote in regards to a bid approval for the project. He also left out a very important piece of the story. The first bid is under the projected budget by more then 800,000. That’s 800,000 US dollars not the Indian Rupee for his friends from India.

These are things he should probably know with more detail or does he already? Maybe he was on the other end of the phone sitting with David C Stachura? You know you were already thinking that.





Transparency and No Questions

First let’s start with transparency. At least as it pertains to the construction project at Kennedy School.

In a recent post on a Facebook page called Stop excessive taxation bla bla bla. The page’s authors commented the following

The Schiller Park School District 81 residents were never involved in the decision making process to expend almost $20,000,000. The only time the taxpayers heard is when they were told by the administration how they decided to spend $20,000,000 on their plans


This (as are all the other posts on that page) is false. The School Board and Administration had been discussing the needs for this for some time now. If my memory serves me right the first time I heard about the overcrowding was at the end of 2014, and this trend continued practically every month since then.  It was discussed at facilities committee meetings, at finance committe meetings, and the district put on a community forum (more on the forum here). Public discussions on this topic in one form or another has been going on more then twice a month for a year. The taxpayers of Schiller Park have had the opertunity to hear about this project or the reasons for this project at just about every public meeting since late 2014. Every one of those meetings with the exception of the committe meetings (minutes only for committe meetings, but they are open to the public) is recorded and posted for every tax paying member of the community to see and hear about. Every detail of the School District’s public business is laid out for the entire world to see.

In addition to all the public meetings, and the community forum there was a flyer mailed out.

The flyer was mailed to 6000 residents of School District 81. I received mine some time mid January, and I find it hard to believe that between the meeting discussions for almost a year, the community forum, and 6000 flyers mailed to the tax payers of School District 81 that anyone would even attempt to say “The Schiller Park School District 81 residents were never involved in the decision making process to expend almost $20,000,000”. We have been given every opertunity to be involved. (On a side note- saying almost 20 million is a stretch, and an attempt to grand standing in my opinion)

Lets talk about who is complaining about the tax payers not being involved.

  • It is again my opinion that the author of the Stop excessive taxation page is Roy F McCampbell. In his defense I have heard he attends many of the meetings. I can not say for sure about the Finance and Facilities committe meetings but I have been told he does not attend those at all. On the flip side of -the in his defense- he also has his nose in everything and knows full well how transparent this process has been from the beginning. He spreads his misinformation all over town knowing he is wrong.
  • David C Stachura. I know he has remained a complainer on this subject even though he has not attended a single School District meeting of any sort since he stormed out in June. Even though he found the time to attend village board meetings he has ignored his oath and remains absent from School Board business. He continues to act and talk as if he knows everything about the subject.
  • Korey Gibala Krastev, The distributor of the complaining question flyer out front of the Kennedy community forum. To the best of my knowledge she has attended absolutely no School District meetings of any sort nor has she asked any questions of the School Board or Administration. She handed out a flyer that no one believes was originally from her anyway. (Transcribed copy found here) she also has refused to comment on a Facebook post about the subject when directly asked questions.
  • Sophia Sanchez with an odd post on Facebook post to the page Resident Citizens community alliance that Shared her concerns about non-English speaking people being the cause of the needed expansion or some such thing.
  • Kathy Ewanio Janis by all reports attends little to no School District meetings with the exception of the community forum, and did in fact have some questions there. It was also reported that she agreed to the need for the expansion but says she had concerns over how it was going to be paid for. Her questions and apparent open mindedness ended there, and changed to comments on Facebook describing the project as simply an ego builder meant to get another plaque on a building. Doesnt seem to constructive as far as criticism goes.

As the one response to Kathy Janis said the public is winning. I think the public always wins when they have complete transparency and total honesty from any government body. P.S. Kathy Janis saying anyone’s answers are Vague answers is a stretch. Some statements don’t need long responses to show how incorrect they are. I again make a challenge to Kathy Janis, Roy F McCampbell, Dave Stachura, and anyone else who says the School District of Schiller Park is not honest, or transparent, or doing what is in the best interest if the Children and their education. Prove to the community and tax payers that they have done wrong or something illegal. Prove to the community that they are putting education at risk. Prove me wrong…..

I am not trying to shame anyone that has questions just those who dont seem to speak for themselves, and could care less about children and their education, or want to complain without actually caring about the answers. I have encouraged people with issues to reach out since the beginning of this blog and I imagine many have. If they are not contributing to the destruction of Schiller Park I have no quarrel.

As far as the construction project goes and as far as I know there has been no questions asked accept by me. Why is that? Maybe it’s because the people without an agenda received all the information and are satisfied with the answers? Satisfied doesn’t always mean they like the answers but was the literature and videos adequate? I really can’t speak for everyone else, but it was incredibly informative in my opinion.

One thing I do feel will continue to happen in Schiller Park School District 81 is the transparency, and honesty.




Februrary 2015 meeting

Tonight is Schiller Park School District 81’s Februrary School Board meeting and just like every month, I am asking everyone in attendance to watch the body language of David Stachura, and John Kowalski (if they should choose to attend). Observe their interactions with the community, and fellow board members. Listen closely to their questions (if they have any), and observe their reactions to their fellow School Board members questions.

Keep an eye out for new faces in the audience and introduce yourself. Show new people to the meetings that those in the audience are honest caring people with everyone’s best interests in their heart. Show them that this is a group of people who are concerned about what was going on with their schools, and that you are open to discussion. Explain that you care about the truth, and that stopping the destruction of this District, and consequently Schiller Park is of the highest priority.

Let any new members of the audience know that you will not allow your School Board meetings to be a political show for David Stachura. Show the town your respect and passion for the system that is put in place to protect your children, and your tax contribution from mishandling and abuse. Explain he TRUTH to them even if for the 100th time.

David Stachura, And John Kowalski need to be shown that we will not go away, and we will not relinquish the safety of our children’s future to their one sided motivations. They need to be held accountable for their actions or lack of action. They need to be told, but with some of what they refuse to show everyone else, respect.

Defend your rights. Don’t give them an ounce of ammunition, and STAND up for the children of School Dostrict 81.

Meeting agenda can be found here.

Misinformation Part 5

Februrary 16th 2015


Another falsehood by the McStachura page. (And I’m starting to think Janis has her hand in the pot now)

The District and residents around Kennedy school will not see more traffic congestion. If the page owners had been paying attention to any number of the meetings they didn’t attend they would know that the plans for the addition will reroute the traffic and resolve the traffic congestion.

No there will not be more flooding around Kennedy school because if the owners of the McStachura page had attended any one of the meetings on the subject they would know that the water retention will be adjusted to compensate for the additional size of the building reflecting new village guidelines.

Please share with us your calculations on the increased annual taxpayer costs based on the increased size of the building.

More Februrary 16th 2015


The Schiller Park School District 81 Board of Education and Administration has not “Hijacked the democratic process”. The construction project did not need to be put to a referendum vote because it is an addition, and Illinois state law only requires a referendum vote for new buildings. I repeat in the state of Illinois no referendum vote is needed for an addition to a school building.

The Schiller Park School District 81 Board of Education was elected through the “democratic process” ( even the board members that do not show up). The laws they are following with this construction project were put in place through the “democratic process”, and because of all of these details I feel safe in my statement that no “democratic processes” were hijacked by anyone.

The school board and the administration of Schiller Park School District 81 has provided  and continues to provide  ample opportunities for any community member to be a part of this process.  From my vantage point the school district has provided unparalleled transparency from the beginning.







Truth and Lies

Or lies and truth depending on what side you’re looking at it from.

It’s really and truly very sad that both of those exist in the world we live in, always has and always will. Truth should be the only thing anyone ever hears, but we all know that’s more then a pipe dream. The really sad part is that for every truth there is at least two lies, and even though the truth is often very easy to find (it generally is sitting right in front of our face) it’s much easier to discount when compared to the lies. We Schiller Parkers seem prone to believing the negative, or at least that was how it used to be. There seems to have been a flip a few years ago and people I feel are starting to wake up to the possibility that much of what has been said in the past may not have been accurate.

That is the part of the human personality that some people take advantage of. People who write pages on social media with the sole intention of spreading discontent by using lies as a stepping stone to their end goals, and more often then not simply for the purpose of doing it. When people don’t stand up for the truth and the lies go unanswered for so long they start to become their own twisted reality.

I have mentioned in previous posts that it is very easy to except what we read at face value and to not dig slightly deeper. Many people don’t read deeper then the first few lines, and this almost without fail starts to attract more people to the “liars” cause. Allows him to build his army so to speak, and that “army” will continue to spread the lies. In their defense they may be an unwitting accomplice in the organizers plans because they didn’t search out the truth and accepted what was said at face value, but the same end goal is accomplished.

Let’s face it, the residents of Schiller Park have been down this road before. It’s nothing new with the same players on both sides, and it goes in cycles often revolving around election seasons or when some new item that the main culprit feels goes against his designs. Key words there are Against his designs.

Tomorrow night there is a Public Hearing and then a Regular Meeting of the School Board of Schiller Park School District 81.
(Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM). The public hearing is concerning the intent of the Board of Education to sell 16,000,000 in working cash fund bonds. This is in my opinion the reason for the peak in misleading information being spread by Roy F McCampbell. (Again I can not prove he is he owner and administrator of the Facebook page and main dissemination source for all the bad information being spread, but when compared to all of his other postings to social media the signature is almost exact). Things have wound up lately but ask yourself why.

Has Roy McCampbell, and David Stachura been recruiting attendees for the meeting? Is that the reason for all the sudden interest? Will Dave Stachura actually attend a School Board meeting? I believe that this is all in an attempt to vilify the Administration and remaining School Board Members of School District 81 with the community. For what purpose I could not even begin to guess, but this has been his goal for a very long time, and why should he change it now.

The hot button of taxes is a perfect catalyst for sparking more negative energy directed at those who many feel were elected to lower taxes. In reality they were elected to do exactly what they are doing now. Protect and grow the education of children in Schiller Park to the best of their abilities while doing it with as much financial responsibility as possible. Protecting both the students and the tax payers.

These attacks are in actuality incredibly counter productive especially for this individual in particular. Doesn’t the School System he is attempting to maliciously destroy service his family? I realize he has taken the personal stance of advocate to everyone in the District to a new level of wrong, but at what point does a person realize that he is doing absolutely no good at all?

I do not believe that someone like this is capable of seeing what they are actually doing to the School System that is so important. In the end his actions not only hurt education in Schiller Park but they hurt every single resident without exception. This is something that everyone can see plainly if they just open themselves to the possibility. Yet there are still people who’s families are directly affected by the outcome of all of this activity that continue to try and tear it all down despite the affects it has on them or those they care about. Kathy Ewanio Janis is one good example. I have no personal issue with her, but I can’t understand her reasoning for taking the positions she has in the past. The undying support for those so clearly doing wrong.

More then a few people have come forward explaining to me how Kathy Janis was telling people at the information meeting at Kennedy that she was all for the expansion of the building. “That it was needed”. Doesn’t this expansion effect her family directly, and now she changes her toon to support Roy McCampbell’s crusade of destruction on Facebook? Is there something in it for her? What am I missing here? Maybe she is going to run for trustee again?

The purpose of this typically long rant is to try and get people to understand the importance of getting to your own thoughts by researching the truth for yourself. I do not want anyone to take my word for it or at face value. Start with the source and go from there.

Attend the next school board meeting and introduce yourself. Share your feelings with people, but do it with respect and a general benefit of the doubt. If you open your mind to the possibility that there is another side to the story then Mr McCampbell’s version then you are half way to the truth.