

Ever since its creation over forty years ago, the Internet has remained a mostly unrestricted place. It is a place where anyone can present themselves in any form they choose. Are those who choose to hide their real names for their own privacy and safety in danger of losing anonymity online?

Such is the power of anonymity on the web, that it has made it possible for people, some of who might normally be restricted from communicating with the outside world to speak out without fearing the repercussions of their actions. Actions that could put them in danger if carried out using their real names. Concealing one’s true identity online has made it possible for free speech to break through the physical barriers enforced by governments across the world.

Being anonymous on the web also makes it possible for people to discuss sensitive subjects, such as medical conditions, physical abuse, sexual orientation and political believes without these actions affecting their everyday lives in a negative or potentially harmful way.

There are many positive ways to use anonymity on the web, but there can sometimes be very destructive side effects too, such as bullying, racism, impersonation of an individual or individuals, and harassment. Think back to, (without the j in the middle), and to a point The first two are the perfect examples of “Bullying”, “impersonation”, and “harassment. Coincidentally the blog impersonating me, and defending the very person who filled suit against me went private around the same time of the suit. I do not believe the petitioner of the lawsuit is a part of that now private blog, but it is one very large coincidence.

Is my blog a positive way to use anonymity? I will leave that question to my readers, but I like to think it has had a positive effect on this town. I don’t discuss fun topics or the latest recipe, I do however talk about the things going on in Schiller Park during what some have called one of the more politically turbulent times in recent years. I share information found in direct connection to current, and former campaign, and elected officials, and I share it. I use the F.O.I.A. system to prove or disprove information. I share opinions, and give my own personal input based off of found facts. has always been about sharing my own personal opinions based on actual facts found through research. I hate to describe it this way, but it is basically a political blog, but for the purpose of returning some semblance of normalcy and truth to this beautiful town.

Lets discuss lawsuits for a minute, ones that are particularly directed at uncovering my identity. I don’t normally address these things, but I feel today is as good a day as any to break an unwritten rule of mine. To start let me share an article that brings me to the subject of this post. portions of my post bellow have come from the following article describing the petition filed with Cook County.

The following is the first post mentioned in her petition for discovery.
This is the second post described in her petition.
This is the third post mentioned in her petition, and although my original post is partially satirical in nature the public petition was not originally created by me. It was created by the now private blog impersonating me and meant to destroy my name. The vary blog that has so many times in the past used their anonymity to target people with actual defamation of others.

The original article shares the details of her petition of discovery. In that petition she stated that my posts are false, and malicious, and done with the intent of harming her reputation. Her statement is in fact false. I would like to remind everyone that In my posts I have also mentioned the amazing work she has done for this and many communities in the area. I have talked about her fine reputation for public service, and to this very day I still feel she has done many good things, and should be an example of good public service to everyone. She also claims I am interfering with her volunteer and political efforts, and she states that my posts could hurt her established relationships with others in her community. She is currently the president of a very prominent polish organization in the Chicago area, and has been a key political figure in many communities for years. whether you agree with her or not these are the facts, and the facts that she is a prominent political personality can not be disputed. I would only hope that the working, and personal relationships she has made through all those acts of public service are not so easily swayed by the political opinions of one blogger.

According to the article linked above, her petition also stated that “she has suffered damages to include out of pocket costs to investigate my posts, and in repairing her relationships with others”. Maybe I don’t fully understand this, but can you suffer from out of pocket expenses to repair relationships? How does the action of repairing a relationship cost money? She has also stated that because of my posts her hopes may be dashed for future community involvement. This also troubles me as the things I have posted even if they are my opinion based off of facts pale in comparison to the actual malicious lies shared by other anonymous blogs in this community against people who also currently volunteer heavily in this and other towns, and continue to do so despite the negative posts against them. Many of these targets have gone on doing their work for many years. If my searches have been accurate not one of the other targeted political officials and volunteers have filled similar lawsuits.

She also took issue with a post I made questioning her abilities when I said the following “Not a political movement happens in this town without this fabulous young lady weighing in with her vastly one sided and heavily inflated opinion. In fact I am not completely convinced that she actually has her own opinion at all and she simply just parrots the thoughts of others. (Moskal is the) type that will talk about how terrible something is without actually knowing any facts about the subject she is talking about,”the statements impute that she does not know what she is doing and lacks an ability to perform or think for herself when that is not true.”  This complaint would be similar to a movie director filing the petition against a movie writing for saying he doesn’t know how to direct despite the fact that he/she may very well know how to direct a feature film. Am I not allowed to share my opinion of a political personality or organization?

This is also completely my opinion, but i find this petition a blatant attempt to use our judicial system to disrupt the first amendment rights of a citizen simply because someone doesn’t like what someone else has said. Me posting things that may or may not be uncomfortable for some doesn’t make them any less true or opinionated for that matter.

In my efforts to to share all the details I am including the links to any other posts mentioning her on my blog. I ask that everyone the a look again and let me know if I have been Malicious in any way, or have made any knowingly false statements.

Why Anonymity?


I have an archive full of unpublished blog posts.

Some of them exist only in my brain, swimming around, keeping me awake at night until I finally give in, turn on the light and write them out. Others are already written, stored deep in the bowels of my computer’s hidden cyber-recesses. A select few have made it as far as being stored and saved here on WordPress.

Tonight I almost registered a new domain, and I still might. An outlet for the rants, too controversial, too powerful, too intense even for this Blog. But then, I realized, that is what this blog was originally supposed to be about. Outlandish thoughts, radical truths, deep reality.

But, here in this new cyber-social world it’s often hard for me to go completely wild. I do find myself tempering those rants to some degree in the name of kindness. Again, In this new cyber-social reality everything is interconnected, every thought, every post, every undotted i and uncrossed t, a potential landmine down the road.

I used to make fun of people with full body and facial tattoos – “What do you mean, what am I staring at? You tattooed your FACE. You know that’s never coming off, right?” Well, the internet is like a giant full body, face and soul tattoo. Everything we put out is there for life, or beyond. And unless you’re a really good hacker, it’s all traceable right back to my breakfast bar where I sit spewing out another post.

There is really no such thing as being truly anonymous on the web. Everything we do is tracked in some form or another, measured and sold to the highest bidder, I know, I have created a fake online identity to a point as part of my personal security from that, and for true freedom of speech. They’re easy to set up but unless you follow a few basic rules and are careful they are not completely anonymous and untraceable.

Does complete anonymity or untracability really matter? In my case not as much because I am not spreading malicious lies intent on defaming, but i still take many precautions. I also have some protections under our constitution, and there is a line that I have chosen never to cross for that reason. Being honest is of the utmost importance to me.

Now consider that I didn’t even try to keep this blog anonymous. Anyone who reads it could get to me, e-mail me, call me or my family, if anyone was so inclined they could follow me as they have done to others. Harass my family and friends. You know their drill, their tactics to suppress anyone who speaks out.

But sometimes, a thought is so dangerous, so powerful, so radical that it almost NEEDS to be shouted anonymously, and just because someone doesn’t agree with that thought, Idea, opinion, truth, or reality does not make it wrong or criminally actionable, but that is the new reality of this world. We may have a legal freedom of speech but not a social one.

There is two kinds of people who want to know who I am. The curious, and those who want to stop me.

Think about the great collective “anonymous”, the Chanology group working to take down Scientology, or at least get their tax exempt status revoked. They have wreaked wonderful havoc on the Cult of Scientology (which, before you get all uppity in my face IS a cult, started by a few sci-fi authors AS A JOKE. It was a con to see if they could start a religion and show the world how easy it was to dupe the masses. The joke’s on them, it worked too well!) They wouldn’t have had the power to do what they did if their faces, names and professional identities were known.

Think of all the folk tales, proverbs, and ancient anonymous wisdom handed down through the millennia to reach us now. Even the Bible was written by an anonymous. (No, it’s not the literal word of God) So there is definable power in anonymity.

When I was in school I was asked, many times, to fill out anonymous teacher reviews, student reviews, votes, etc. Being the defiant and overly honest little twerp that I was, I ALWAYS signed my name, legibly. I was raised on the value of honesty. I was raised believing that if you were going to say something it was important to be willing to stand behind it, proud and tall. So I did.

Looking back though, I realize that by limiting myself to only that level of honesty I evaded the true honesty, the kind that might have gotten me tossed out of school, or that might have gotten a pedophile put away, or kept a bigoted teacher from bullying another student, or…..

There is power in anonymous. Power that, as this cyber-social reality engulfs us all, we might need to reclaim a little of. Not for hate speech, there’s quite enough of that out there already, thank you. But for forbidden wisdom, disregarded truths, deep and disturbing insight into this brave new world we are waking up to.

I needed that place, a place of true freedom of expression, freedom from the hate mongers and fear mongers, a place where I don’t have to login via any of our existing social networks, a place where I can be… anonymous.

Some day we all need to get together and shout our true names and our true hearts loud enough to be heard and valued just the way we are. Perhaps, in that brave new world of respect, we can rise to the occasion and continue down our brazen path openly, hoping that the people who come to read us will respect us for our truths, even if they are different. Sadly that time is not now, and there again is the great power of anonymity.

Until our differences can be accepted, and the personal war waged by those intent on the destruction of our town simply for their own gain can end I will remain anonymous. Anonymity is sometimes what keeps the truth, and reality safe from those who appose the spread of it.

I find it funny

I find it funny that shortly after an individual files a petition of discovery against my Facebook, Email, and WordPress that the imposter James Tompson’s Blog completely disappears. Deleted by its creator.

Shot 201518

Don’t get me wrong I am glad it is gone, but in the end did their attempt at ruining my reputation succeed? I can’t answer that, but in my opinion it didn’t. I know I have seen more blog traffic then normal since its creation, but what I will say for a fact is that it was disgusting what that blog posted, lies designed to destroy reputations can not be hidden by a “?”. As I have said over and over I have tried desperately to be as truthful as possible, and prove my thoughts when I could. I have never posted in anger, or with the intention of hurting anyone. I only ever wanted to share information, and maybe open some peoples minds to what is possibly going on around them. The fake JT blog did nothing but damage its creators ability to sleep at night, and drive people towards truth.

The petition that was filed against me is called a rule 224. It is a petition used to discover an anonymous person that may be responsible for damages to another person before actually proceeding with a separate lawsuit. I do not believe I fit what a rule 224 was designed to do, but that is for the judicial system to figure out. What I do believe is that The fake JT blog, the schillerparkblog, and a few others i will leave unnamed do happen to fit the description of what a rule 224 petition would be used for. That is some food for thought for all of you that have been attacked by any of those web blogs.

What exactly is a rule 224 petition? answer found here

Once something is posted on the internet it remains on the internet. Most companies store their information for a very long time, and just because someone deletes a blog doesn’t mean it is still not discoverable.



Ever since its creation over forty years ago, the Internet has remained a mostly unrestricted place. It is a place where anyone can present themselves in any form they choose. Are those who choose to hide their real names for their own privacy and safety in danger of losing anonymity online?

Such is the power of anonymity on the web, that it has made it possible for people, some of who might normally be restricted from communicating with the outside world to speak out without fearing the repercussions of their actions. Actions that could put them in danger if carried out using their real names. Concealing one’s true identity online has made it possible for free speech to break through the physical barriers enforced by governments across the world.

Being anonymous on the web also makes it possible for people to discuss sensitive subjects, such as medical conditions, physical abuse, sexual orientation and political believes without these actions affecting their everyday lives in a negative or potentially harmful way.

There are many positive ways to use anonymity on the web, but there can sometimes be very destructive side effects too, such as bullying, racism, impersonation of an individual or individuals, and harassment. Think back to, (without the j in the middle), and to a point The first two are the perfect examples of “Bullying”, “impersonation”, and “harassment. Coincidentally the blog impersonating me, and defending the very person who filled suit against me went private around the same time of the suit. I do not believe the petitioner of the lawsuit is a part of that now private blog, but it is one very large coincidence.

Is my blog a positive way to use anonymity? I will leave that question to my readers, but I like to think it has had a positive effect on this town. I don’t discuss fun topics or the latest recipe, I do however talk about the things going on in Schiller Park during what some have called one of the more politically turbulent times in recent years. I share information found in direct connection to current, and former campaign, and elected officials, and I share it. I use the F.O.I.A. system to prove or disprove information. I share opinions, and give my own personal input based off of found facts. has always been about sharing my own personal opinions based on actual facts found through research. I hate to describe it this way, but it is basically a political blog, but for the purpose of returning some semblance of normalcy and truth to this beautiful town.

Lets discuss lawsuits for a minute, ones that are particularly directed at uncovering my identity. I don’t normally address these things, but I feel today is as good a day as any to break an unwritten rule of mine. To start let me share an article that brings me to the subject of this post. portions of my post bellow have come from the following article describing the petition filed with Cook County.

The following is the first post mentioned in her petition for discovery.
This is the second post described in her petition.
This is the third post mentioned in her petition, and although my original post is partially satirical in nature the public petition was not originally created by me. It was created by the now private blog impersonating me and meant to destroy my name. The vary blog that has so many times in the past used their anonymity to target people with actual defamation of others.

The original article shares the details of her petition of discovery. In that petition she stated that my posts are false, and malicious, and done with the intent of harming her reputation. Her statement is in fact false. I would like to remind everyone that In my posts I have also mentioned the amazing work she has done for this and many communities in the area. I have talked about her fine reputation for public service, and to this very day I still feel she has done many good things, and should be an example of good public service to everyone. She also claims I am interfering with her volunteer and political efforts, and she states that my posts could hurt her established relationships with others in her community. She is currently the president of a very prominent polish organization in the Chicago area, and has been a key political figure in many communities for years. whether you agree with her or not these are the facts, and the facts that she is a prominent political personality can not be disputed. I would only hope that the working, and personal relationships she has made through all those acts of public service are not so easily swayed by the political opinions of one blogger.

According to the article linked above, her petition also stated that “she has suffered damages to include out of pocket costs to investigate my posts, and in repairing her relationships with others”. Maybe I don’t fully understand this, but can you suffer from out of pocket expenses to repair relationships? How does the action of repairing a relationship cost money? She has also stated that because of my posts her hopes may be dashed for future community involvement. This also troubles me as the things I have posted even if they are my opinion based off of facts pale in comparison to the actual malicious lies shared by other anonymous blogs in this community against people who also currently volunteer heavily in this and other towns, and continue to do so despite the negative posts against them. Many of these targets have gone on doing their work for many years. If my searches have been accurate not one of the other targeted political officials and volunteers have filled similar lawsuits.

She also took issue with a post I made questioning her abilities when I said the following “Not a political movement happens in this town without this fabulous young lady weighing in with her vastly one sided and heavily inflated opinion. In fact I am not completely convinced that she actually has her own opinion at all and she simply just parrots the thoughts of others. (Moskal is the) type that will talk about how terrible something is without actually knowing any facts about the subject she is talking about,”the statements impute that she does not know what she is doing and lacks an ability to perform or think for herself when that is not true.”  This complaint would be similar to a movie director filing the petition against a movie writing for saying he doesn’t know how to direct despite the fact that he/she may very well know how to direct a feature film. Am I not allowed to share my opinion of a political personality or organization?

This is also completely my opinion, but i find this petition a blatant attempt to use our judicial system to disrupt the first amendment rights of a citizen simply because someone doesn’t like what someone else has said. Me posting things that may or may not be uncomfortable for some doesn’t make them any less true or opinionated for that matter.

In my efforts to to share all the details I am including the links to any other posts mentioning her on my blog. I ask that everyone the a look again and let me know if I have been Malicious in any way, or have made any knowingly false statements.



Respect = Something that David Stachura, Patricia Godziszewski, Roy F McCampbell, and Irene Del Guidice refuse to show you.

At tonight’s Schiller Park School District 81 School Board meeting I am asking everyone in attendance to watch the body language of David Stachura, and John Kowalski. Observe their interactions with the community, and fellow board members. Listen closely to their questions (if they have any), and observe their reactions, and interactions with their fellow School Board members.

If you are sitting in the audience look behind you from time to time, and observe the activities of Roy F McCampbell, and Patricia Godziszewski (probably sitting with each other as they did last meeting). Maybe stop and ask them what they could be talking about so intently, and maybe do what he does every meeting and snap a few photos of them. If they complain let them know it’s for public safety.

Take a look for new faces in the audience and introduce yourself. Show new attendees that those in the audience are honest caring people not “Jihadists”. Show them that you are all people who care about what’s going on with your schools. Explain that you care about the truth, and that stopping the destruction of this fine District, and consequently Schiller Park is a top priority.

Let the authors (most of them will likely be in attendance this evening) know what you think of their new blog. Tell David Stachura, and Roy McCampbell how disgusting what hey are doing is. Let them know that you know who they are, and you have had it with their lies, and deceit.

Let the new members of the audience know that you will not allow your School Board meetings to be a political show for David Stachura, Patricia Godziszewski, Roy F McCampbell, and very possibly Irene Del Guidice. Show the town your respect and passion for the system that is put in place to protect your children, and your tax contribution from the above listed interlopers. Explain he TRUTH to them even if for the 100th time.

David Stachura, Patricia Godziszewski, Roy F McCampbell, and their followers need to be shown that you will not go away, and you will not relinquish the safety of your children’s future to their one sided motivations. They need to be told, but with some of what they refuse to show everyone else, respect.

Defend your rights, but don’t give them an ounce of ammunition.

What Makes a Great School Board Member?


What makes a school board effective?

Learn what qualities to look for in a successful school board member.

An effective school board plays an important watchdog role in keeping your local school on track, and setting policies that affect your child and your school. The school board sets the vision and goals for the school district, and holds the district accountable for results. One school board member cannot do the job alone. Effective school board members contribute their unique talents while collaborating and working as a team with other board members.

What Do School Boards Do?
Communities typically elect a school board of three, five or seven trustees to oversee the local school district and make certain the desires of the community are met.

The school board’s primary responsibilities are to:

-Set the vision and goals for the district
-Adopt policies that give the district direction to set priorities and achieve its goals
-Hire and evaluate the superintendent
-Adopt and oversee the annual budget
-Manage the collective bargaining process for employees of the district

A typical school board meeting will include many business items, such as approving the school calendar, adopting curriculum, overseeing construction, and approving contracts with outside vendors. A successful school board will balance discussion of the seemingly tedious business of running the district while paying close attention to the district’s priorities for academic achievement.

School Board Members Who Have Made a Difference
These two school board members, one a leader in a large urban district and the other an integral part of a suburban district board, exemplify how school board members can have an important influence on the direction of their districts.

Electing Effective School Board Members
How can you be sure that the education in your local public schools meets your expectations? A good place to start is by electing effective school board members.

When deciding which candidate to support and vote for, you’ll want to attend community candidate forums and ask hard questions. Former, Charlotte Mecklenburg, North Carolina, school board member Arthur Griffin suggests asking the following questions:

For incumbents:
-What actions have you taken to improve student achievement?
For challengers and incumbents:
-What are your visions for this school district five to 10 years from now and what systemic changes will you work toward to achieve that vision?
-What policies would you initiate to improve student achievement?
-What are the characteristics of a superintendent you most admire?

How would you measure success for a superintendent?
What level of skills should high school students have upon graduation?
You’ll also want to find out if the candidate has good analytical, leadership and collaborative skills to move the district forward. A good candidate does not have a single-issue focus but rather is interested in the success of all students in the district.

Signs of an Effective School Board Member
Here are signs of a school board member focused on moving the school district forward and educating all students to meet high standards:

-Great school board members have a clear vision for the district. They set the vision and goals, and measure the success of the district and superintendent against the goals.
-Great school board members communicate their actions to the community. Through public discourse and written reports, great school board members keep the public informed of the district’s progress and challenges.
-Great school board members work as a team. They collaborate well with others and are respectful of the other board members and superintendent.
-Great school board members adopt a fiscally sound district budget. They pay attention to finances and regularly monitor the fiscal health of the district.
-Great school board members focus on what is best for all students. They focus on student achievement and implementing policies that will ensure success for all students.
-Great school board members advocate at the local, state and national level for public education. They take advantage of opportunities to communicate the needs of public schools to other levels of government and advocate for strong public schools.

Signs of an Ineffective School Board Member
If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to find some new candidates to run for your local board:

-The school board member continually focuses on one issue or talks aimlessly at meetings.
-The school board member doesn’t conduct him or herself in a respectful, collaborative manner in public.
-The school board member comes to meetings unprepared.
-The school board member “rubber stamps” all the superintendent’s proposals without asking hard questions.
-The school board member micromanages rather than focusing attention on district-wide policies.
-The school board member uses his position on the school board as an opportunity to put forth a political agenda with little relevance to student achievement.

Some people that are not me should be carefull


“Defamation” is a catch-all term for any statement that hurts someone’s reputation. Written defamation is called “libel,” and spoken defamation is called “slander.” Defamation is not a crime, but it is a “tort” (a civil wrong, rather than a criminal wrong). A person who has been defamed can sue the person who did the defaming.

Defamation law tries to balance competing interests: On the one hand, people should not ruin others’ lives by telling lies about them; but on the other hand, people should be able to speak freely without fear of litigation over every insult, disagreement, or mistake. Political and social disagreement is important in a free society, and we obviously don’t all share the same opinions or beliefs. For instance, political opponents often reach opposite conclusions from the same facts, and editorial cartoonists often exaggerate facts to make their point.

What the victim must prove to establish that defamation occurred
The law of defamation varies from state to state, but there are some generally accepted rules. If you believe you are have been “defamed,” to prove it you usually have to show there’s been a statement that is all of the following:

Let’s look at each of these elements in detail.

1. First, the “statement” can be spoken, written, pictured, or even gestured. Because written statements last longer than spoken statements, most courts, juries, and insurance companies consider libel more harmful than slander.

2. “Published” means that a third party heard or saw the statement — that is, someone other than the person who made the statement or the person the statement was about. “Published” doesn’t necessarily mean that the statement was printed in a book — it just needs to have been made public through television, radio, speeches, gossip, or even loud conversation. Of course, it could also have been written in magazines, books, newspapers, leaflets, or on picket signs.

3. A defamatory statement must be false — otherwise it’s not considered damaging. Even terribly mean or disparaging things are not defamatory if the shoe fits. Most opinions don’t count as defamation because they can’t be proved to be objectively false. For instance, when a reviewer says, “That was the worst book I’ve read all year,” she’s not defaming the author, because the statement can’t be proven to be false.

4. The statement must be “injurious.” Since the whole point of defamation law is to take care of injuries to reputation, those suing for defamation must show how their reputations were hurt by the false statement — for example, the person lost work; was shunned by neighbors, friends, or family members; or was harassed by the press. Someone who already had a terrible reputation most likely won’t collect much in a defamation suit.

5. Finally, to qualify as a defamatory statement, the offending statement must be “unprivileged.” Under some circumstances, you cannot sue someone for defamation even if they make a statement that can be proved false. For example, witnesses who testify falsely in court or at a deposition can’t be sued. (Although witnesses who testify to something they know is false could theoretically be prosecuted for perjury.) Lawmakers have decided that in these and other situations, which are considered “privileged,” free speech is so important that the speakers should not be constrained by worries that they will be sued for defamation. Lawmakers themsleves also enjoy this privilege: They aren’t liable for statements made in the legislative chamber or in official materials, even if they say or write things that would otherwise be defamatory.

History of Defamation and the First Amendment
In the landmark 1964 case of New York Times v. Sullivan, the U.S. Supreme Court held that certain defamatory statements were protected by the First Amendment. The case involved a newspaper article that said unflattering things about a public figure, a politician. The Court pointed to “a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.” The Court acknowledged that in public discussions — especially about public figures like politicians — mistakes can be made. If those mistakes are “honestly made,” the Court said, they should be protected from defamation actions. The court made a rule that public officials could sue for statements made about their public conduct only if the statements were made with “actual malice.”

“Actual malice” means that the person who made the statement knew it wasn’t true, or didn’t care whether it was true or not and was reckless with the truth — for example, when someone has doubts about the truth of a statement but does not bother to check further before publishing it.

Later cases have built upon the New York Times rule, so that now the law balances the rules of defamation law with the interests of the First Amendment. The result is that whether defamation is actionable depends on what was said, who it was about, and whether it was a subject of public interest and thus protected by the First Amendment.

STAND UP for the truth, and SPEAK OUT AGAINST those who work against it. 

Censure David C Stachura

Excellence In Education, Not Tainted By Political Influences?


The topic of a recent post on another blog:

Support Pat Godzezewski’s Advocacy for Excellence In Education Not Tainted By Political Influences In Schiller Park School District 81

Now after I was able to catch my breath that was lost during all the knee slapping laughter from reading that statement I decided to look into it further.

We all know the basics in regard to Patricia Godziszewski. She rarely if ever made a decision that benefitted education or the improvement or advancement of the schools in Schiller Park. She participated repeatedly in efforts to undermine the work being done by others working for the betterment of education for the children in Schiller Park. Raised legal expenditures significantly through her and David Stchura’s unending defense of one family. Almost single handedly caused the resignations of dozens of teachers and staff (with the assistance of David Stachura). I could go on all day but instead I’ll include some links to the high points of her time on the Schiller Park District 81 School Board.

Back to the above quote. “Support Pat Godzezewski’s Advocacy for Excellence In Education Not Tainted By Political Influences In Schiller Park School District 81”

I honestly couldn’t find any examples of Excellence in education. Not one single example of excellence, and by her own words in her recent letter to People and Places news paper she described herself as a veteran teacher at Leyden High School. Shouldn’t I be able to find one example of excellence from “A veteran” high school teacher? Especially a teacher that is being paid over 100,000 per year. (Details found here Godziszewski Pay Verification FY15 (2), here Godziszewski Pay Verification FY14 (1), and here Compensation-PGodziszewski) With that sort of compensation shouldn’t we as taxpayers, and those of you who have students attending the Leyden High School system expect more? I for one know I do, but why is the community not getting to the bottom of Patricia Godziszewski’s seemingly mediocre educational career in comparison to her compensation? Not one published example of educational excellence.

The quote from the other blog also stated that Pat Godziszewski is “Not Tainted By Political Influences In Schiller Park School District 81” I guess this isn’t really a lie as no political parties in Schiller Park would even consider being involved with Patricia Godziszewski, and honestly they just know better, because they know her.

Now with that being said I did find two campaign contributions, and one expenditure that I thought was interesting. I will also add that it didn’t take me very long to come up with the political influances of Patricia Godziszewski


Original document found here

We all have read about Ancel-Glink on this blog and through other media outlets, and most if not all of us are very familiar with the exceedingly high legal fees that firm brought to the tax payers of Schiller Park through David Stachura as the then School Board President, and Patricia Godziszewski as the then Vice President of School District 81. We know about the many private conversations, and the inappropriate legal expenses created by the two board members mentioned above. This is  basically a political donation to Patricia’s Campaign by a law firm that was forced on the School District by David and Patricia, and caused a drastic increase in legal fees through David, and Patricia. A law firm that was also on the cusp of being fired despite David and Patricia’s work against such a vote. The same firm that suddenly resigned very shortly before the vote would have been cast to fire them, and that same resignation letter was sent to the personal emails of David, and Patricia. That sounds a lot like politically tainted motivations to me.

How about a Polish news paper, Politicly tainted?


Original document found here

How about this little flip.


Original document found here

Yes it is an expenditure, and not a donation. I thought it was just a little odd that the Team 81 crew couldn’t find anyone local to design and create their campaign web site. In stead they turn to Tiffany N. Harrell the Marketing Manager and Graphic Specialist on the executive administrative staff of the Proviso Leyden Council for Community action. ( Very possibly one of the largest political families in Proviso Township. The Harrell family, connected to the Children First Party through Francine Harrell who’s party received $500 each from the war-chests of Mayor Larry Dominick of Cicero; 92nd Dist. Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, of Peoria and the SEIU Local 73 PAC. Proviso Township Supervisor Michael Corrigan also kicked in $500.

Other heavy-hitters to the Children First campaign of witch a Harrell family member was a part of included businesses, Restore Construction ($1,000) and M & M Building Services ($250), both vendors to the school district. Both companies were hired in the $5 million reconstruction of Proviso East High School after the May, 2014 fire.

Restore also donated to the war chests of area Mayors Ron Serpico and Angelo “Skip” Saviano of Elmwood Park; River Grove Village President Marilyn May; State Senator Luis A. Viverito and Leyden Township Committeeman Barrett Pederson. M &M donated to Serpico and Getty in the first reporting quarter.

Details here

Some more politically tainted motivations by Patricia Godziszewski?

Now I would like to add that the Harrell family seems to have done some pretty outstanding things in the past. This is not a question I have about them or their motivations, but more a question of how people like Patricia Godziszewski, David Stachura, and Roy F McCampbell so blatantly attempt to deceive the community at large through such lies as Patricia Godziszewski not being tainted by political motivations. She has no other motivations, and politics is their only game.

Patricia Godziszewski was never in this for the children and tax payers of Schiller Park School District 81.

Censure David C Stachura

The truth, naked to the world.


The truth can be placed in the open; exposed naked to the entire world. The truth does not need any laws to protect it, and it does not need secrecy to protect it. The truth does not need evidence destroyed, nor does it need videotapes to be suppressed.

Only lies need secrecy; only lies need protection from laws. Only lies benefit from fear, secrecy, blackmail, gossip, and suppression of evidence.

For example, to determine the truth about the situation in School District 81, we only have to bring out all of the video recordings, the photographs, the documents, and the testimony of the witnesses to events. By letting us see everything, we will eventually figure out what is happening and who is a liar.

However, some people are trying to suppress video recordings, witnesses, analyses of events, and people (such as myself) through the use of suggestive questions, inappropriate and inaccurate connections, and character assassination. They attempt to destroy the good name of those who choose to be involved for the purpose of lessening their message or truth. This obstruction of evidence is proof that they are hiding something.

Nobody suppresses evidence or suppresses people if they are trying to spread the truth. The truth is supported with evidence. The more evidence we have, the more we can be certain of what the truth is. Therefore, to spread the truth, expose all evidence.

By comparison, if somebody is promoting a lie, he must suppress the particular people and information that expose the lie.

Lots of people and organizations claim to be “truth seekers”. However, if they were truly honest, they would encourage the sharing of the truth.

It is the ordinary, unknown citizens who pass out videos, books, and web sites. If this world improves, it will be because of those unknown citizens who are ignoring the large organizations and passing out the suppressed information to their friends and neighbors.

We spread the truth for the purpose of truth, and in defense of those being wronged by the individuals who choose to suppress that same truth.

Censure David C Stachura